SCRRS P&P’s 2021



Organizational Management

  1. Within these Policies and Procedures of the Southern California Rugby Referee Society, the organization may be referred to as SCRRS or the Society.
  2. The Society shall be registered as an organization annually with USA Rugby.
  3. The Society provides the sanctioned rugby community in the southwest USA geographic region (Southern California and Southern Nevada) with certified referees and is the central resource for referee allocations within that area.
  4. The Society provides training, coaching, evaluation and on-going development for its Members.
  5. No Officer or Member may take any action likely to jeopardize the corporate status of the Society.
  6. No Officer or Member may take any action likely to jeopardize the non-profit status of the Society.


  1. Membership in the Society shall be open to all who desire membership and who meet the requirements of the By-Laws and these Policies and Procedures.
  2. Members must have successfully completed an introductory officiating course.
  3. The annual fee for Regular Members is $5 and must be paid to SCRRS to receive active membership.
  4. Registration with USA Rugby at the beginning of every registration period is required for Regular Members. Proof of renewed USA Rugby membership must be submitted electronically to the SCRRS Secretary to have the privileges of a Regular Member of SCRRS. After completing three matches as a referee or coach/evaluator, SCRRS will reimburse Members for the USA registration fees.


Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society shall be held consistent with the By-Laws.
  2. Order of Business

Other Meetings

  1. Other Meetings of the Society shall be held consistent with the By-Laws.


  1. Voting, except for the election of officers, may be by voice or hand for those attending in person. 
  2. Electronic voting shall be in place for those attending online or electronically. Electronic voting may be by either email or other electronic vote tallying system that can be controlled to ensure only Regular Members are able to vote.
  3. For all votes by ballot, the SCRRS Secretary shall act as Inspector of Elections and certify the results to the President. The results shall be included in the meeting minutes. No Inspector of Elections shall be an opposed candidate for office or shall have a personal interest in the matter voted upon. If the Secretary is opposed when running for office, any member of the Board who is not running for office or running unopposed may act as Inspector of Election. In the event that all the Board are challenged, the President will appoint an Inspector of Elections who is not a candidate from the Membership.

Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee (EC) shall include all five members of the Board.
  2. The Board may create additional positions for the EC and choose Members to fill those positions
  3. All EC members who are Officers shall meet the requirements of their office specified in the By-Laws. These Policies and Procedures include additional responsibilities for those officers.


  1. Shall present at each AGM meeting of the organization an annual report of the work of the organization.
  2. Shall appoint all committees, temporary or permanent (some at the recommendation of the board).
  3. Shall oversee all books, reports, and certificates required by law are properly kept or filed by the proper EC members
  4. Shall be one of the officers who may sign the checks or drafts of the organization.
  5. Shall be the direct point of contact with all rugby governing bodies domestic (USA) or Foreign unless he/she designates another individual to do this job.

Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall oversee all referee assignments in coordination with EC and applicable committees.
  2. The Vice President may delegate assigning duties to local allocators and approve their assignments, as necessary.
  3. May execute signed agreements with partner organizations using SCRRS referee services.
  4. Shall help facilitate sponsorships for SCRRS.
  5. Shall appoint Tournament Managers.


  1. Shall have care and custody of all monies belonging to the organization and shall be solely responsible for such monies or securities of the organization.
  2. Deposits all of the organization’s funds in a regular business bank or trust company account except that which the EC may cause to be invested in such investments as are legal for a non-profit corporation in California.
  3. Must be one of the officers authorized to sign checks or drafts of the organization. No special fund may be set aside that shall make it unnecessary for the Treasurer to sign the checks issued upon it.
  4. Shall render at stated periods, as determined by the President, a written account of the finances of the organization and such report shall be physically affixed to the minutes of the EC of such meeting.
  5. Responsible for the financial books of SCRRS being made readily available for audit.
  6. Shall exercise all duties incident to the office of Treasurer, including invoicing and payments to SCRRS from Client Organizations, and present an annual budget to the membership at the AGM.


  1. May be one of the officers required to sign the checks and drafts of the organization.
  2. Shall submit to the EC all communications which shall be addressed to him/her as Secretary of the organization for EC review.
  3. Attends to all correspondence of the organization and shall exercise all duties incident to the office of Secretary.
  4. Shall act as lead for the SCRRS official website and all other communications and social media outlets related to SCCRS and appoint committee members to assist as needed.

Development Officer

  1. Shall have oversight of Committee Chairs for Coaches of Match Officials (coaching reports, status of referee coaching); Education (classes given by Educators, status post class of participant aptitude); Training (sessions specific to referees, can be in conjunction with meetings); Recruitment (active efforts to obtain new referee candidates); Development (tracking current level and development of member referees).
  2. Provide status reports to the EC, especially to Vice President and Allocators for assignments on all levels of referees.
  3. Keeps track of referees’ potential for getting promotions, working with Development Committee for pathway to higher development.
  4. Submits law changes, management guidelines, and experimental laws to SCRRS Secretary for distribution to membership.

Collective Responsibilities

  1. The EC shall have the control and management of the affairs and business of this organization.
  2. Any member, including EC member, may receive compensation from the organization for specific duties as outlined by the EC.
  3. All appointments to represent the organization in an exchange of referees with other referee societies shall be made at the sole discretion of the EC. A record of all exchanges shall be available for review by any Society member.
  4. EC meetings shall take place at the discretion and convenience of the President. EC meetings may be held in person or by telephone conferencing or video conferencing and shall happen at least once each calendar quarter.
  5. Sixty percent (3/5) of the members of the EC shall constitute a quorum. Each EC member shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. At least three (3) votes are required to approve any EC action regardless of how many EC members are in attendance.

Committees and Consultants

  1. The EC shall hire as needed any legal, operational, or financial assistance in order to keep this organization in good order. This shall be available to the membership in the minutes of the EC meetings that are posted on the Society website.
  2. All committees shall be approved by the President and their term of office shall be good for one (1) year, or less if terminated by the President.


  1. Any changes to existing approved by-laws must be presented to Society members at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or a nominated Special Meeting for their review. Amendments may be partially approved.

Dress Code

  1. For all assigned SCRRS sanctioned matches, most current SCRRS jerseys must be worn, when practical, and tucked into shorts. Socks shall be pulled up to the knee at all times. Referees are expected to dress in clean kit where practical.
  2. No member may use the Crest of the Society in any way without the express written permission of the Board. The Society reserves the right to levy a fee for the use of the Crest on anything other than authorized refereeing dress.
  3. Logos denoting sponsorship may be displayed on the jersey from time to time as authorized by the Board and in accordance with the regulations of the governing Unions.

Disciplinary Action

  1. The discipline of the members of the Society shall be administered by the Board, consistent with the By-Laws. The decisions of the Board shall be binding upon the members, subject only to the right of appeal to the Membership.
  2. The Board shall be guided in its duties by the relevant regulations of World Rugby, USA Rugby and/or Southern California Rugby Football Union.
  3. Discipline may range from a documented verbal warning, up to, and including termination of membership. A member has seven (7) days from the date of notification to appeal to the Board in writing. Appeals should be lodged to the SCRRS Secretary.
  4. If an appeal is requested, an Appeal Committee shall be nominated by the Board. It shall consist of one EC member, one SCRRS coach and three (3) SCRRS members in good standing. A final decision on disciplinary action will be based on majority vote of the Appeal Committee. 

Match Fees

The Society will levy a fee on clubs requesting referees on a per-match basis. The SCRRS Treasurer will invoice teams. Match fees will be paid to the referee and ARs by teams prior to the match kickoff. Tournaments and other special matches requested by clubs will be invoiced by the SCRRS Treasurer.

The EC may alter match fees based on coordination with leagues or tournaments.

Match fees for 15’s season starting January 1, 2022:

  1. Center Referee=$150. SCRRS will collect $50 by invoicing club. Referee will collect $100 from the home team prior to match kickoff.
  2. ARs/#4s =$75 each. SCRRS will collect $25 by invoicing club. AR/#4 will collect $50 from the home team prior to match kickoff.
  3. Late notice referee requests within 7 days incurs a $50 penalty.
  4. Late payment fee =10%, assessed every 30 days from the date of invoice.
  5. 15’s Tournaments = $125 per team.
  6. 7’s Tournaments=$30 per game, center referee and $15 per AR. 

Match Payments

Match payments will be collected as described below:

  1. Center Adult assignment = $100 (to be paid by home team prior to kickoff via cash, check, or electronic payment).
  2. AR / #4 = $50 (to be paid by home team prior to kickoff).
  3. Coach/ Evaluator (with submitted report) = $70 (to be reimbursed by SCRRS upon claim).
  4. CIPP reimbursement: Members may request to be reimbursed from SCRRS after 3 completed assignments).
  5. SCRRS Membership fee = $5/year, payable to SCRRS prior to match assignment (for Regular Members).
  6. 15’s Tournament assignments, referees may claim $100 for full day, $50 for half day (to be reimbursed by SCRRS).
  7. 7’s Tournaments, referees may claim $25 per game and ARs may claim $15 per game (to be reimbursed by SCRRS).
  8. Mileage will not be paid for tournaments or match assignments. If single match assignment requires over 100 miles round trip travel, mileage may be claimed at $0.20 per mile. Mileage reimbursements will be paid mid-year and end of year for those requested and approved. EC and/or scheduler may nullify mileage reimbursement based on pre-match agreement with referee.   


1)  All promotions up to and including Level 7 are at the discretion of the Promotions Committee Chaired by the Development Officer.

2) Requirements for promotion to Level 6 and higher:

  1. At minimum, two recommendations for advancement must be received by the Promotion Committee from coaching evaluations that demonstrates required competencies.
    1. Confirmation by the Promotions Committee

3) Requirements for promotion to Level 5:

  1. Three Coaching Evaluations (with two “above grade” at their current level) during a 12-month period.
  2. Confirmation from the Promotion Committee.